
Strawberry Puree

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Every year, as the strawberry season hits its peak, I find myself surrounded by baskets of these ruby red jewels. They’re just too beautiful and delicious to resist at the market. But then comes the challenge: what to do with all these strawberries before they go bad? I’ve made jams, frozen them for smoothies, and topped off just about every conceivable dish with them. Yet, the thought of these gorgeous fruits going to waste just doesn’t sit right with me.

That’s when I stumbled upon the idea of making strawberry puree. It might sound simple, but this little trick has been a game-changer in my kitchen. Purees, especially from strawberries, can elevate a meal from ordinary to extraordinary, adding a burst of fresh, sweet flavor that’s hard to beat. Plus, they can be stored for quite a long time, which means no more wasted strawberries!

Making strawberry puree is not just practical; it’s also quite fun. There’s something about blending these fruits into a smooth, vibrant concoction that feels almost magical. It’s like capturing the essence of summer in a jar. Whether it’s drizzled over pancakes on a sunny morning, mixed into a cocktail for a refreshing twist, or swirled into desserts for an extra pop of flavor, strawberry puree has become my go-to for adding a touch of gourmet flair to my culinary creations. Let me show you how easy and fulfilling making your own strawberry puree can be.

What a lovely way to use uneaten strawberries.  A Puree adds that extra something to a dessert that elevates one’s taste buds.

This recipe is simple, quick, and a great way to save money by not having to purchase more berries that go bad so quickly that you never fully enjoy their flavors.

If you enjoy these Peppermint Bark-Infused Double Chocolate Chip Cookies, you’ll love exploring more of my handcrafted recipes on my website  that brings joy to every occasion.


Strawberry Puree

Fresh Strawberries with a Bowl of Strawberry Puree

Such an easy way to preserve leftover strawberries and add a flare your meals and drinks.

  • Author: Jeannie Jacobs
  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 10
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x
  • Category: Condiment
  • Cuisine: American


Units Scale
  • 12 cups of fresh or frozen strawberries washed
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 Tsp of lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup of water


  1. Put strawberries, sugar, and water into a saucepan.  Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer.  Stir the mixture to prevent burning.  The mixture will begin to thicken some.
  2. Use a fork or an Immersion blender to break up the strawberries.
  3. Add lemon juice and zest.  Continue to stir the puree.
  4. Transfer the puree to a bowl and let cool before serving.  You may use a sieve to remove unwanted pulp or seeds from the puree.
  5. Store puree in an airtight container in the fridge for about 10 days.


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Enjoy this strawberry puree, and let it inspire you to explore the richness of simple, elegant cooking. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening at home or hosting a dinner party, this soup is sure to impress and satisfy.


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